All posts tagged: grateful

| sunsets, excitement |

Sometimes people enter into your life quickly and unexpectedly and then leave just as fast. But even though their time is short, you can still learn something about the world or yourself. You just have to let it happen, or these moments may just pass without you even knowing they were there. Couch Surfing has allowed me to meet some really amazing people from Cambodia to the United States; from Russia to Chile. People with similiar opinions, people with different views and everything in between. I’ve met people who will be in my life forever and those who were just meant to pass by for those few hours or days. But in the end, they’ve all opened my eyes to another part of life; or reminded me of passions I may have set aside. The last person to enter my life has reminded me to not forget the beauty in the most simple moments  — And even though I always try my hardest to enjoy where I am, to embrace evey new experience in my life, …

| just call the germans & tell them a lie |

The title of this post may lead you to believe I want to write about god knows what — however, this post is about music. And no, I have nothing against Germans. Being surrounded by music is something that I’ll always look for in my life. I can’t imagine my life without it. Even though I play around with the guitar a little bit, it’ll never be like hearing truly talented musicians play. I was lucky to have grown up in a home that always had music on the radio, a CD playing, or melodies pouring from my brothers bedroom from one of the few instruments he plays. Then when I went to college I surrounded myself with talented friends who could play the guitar, sing, and simply had a love of performing. And now again, my life here in San Sebastian, I have found myself in the midst of artists from around Europe. I couldn’t imagine spending my Sunday evening any other way – glasses of wine, freshly baked cookies, and good friends sitting around and making …

| grateful: last week of sept |

Starting in mid-August I started a project called 21 Days of Gratitude. I wrote down three things a day for which I am grateful. Since the project came to an end I haven’t been writing down my gratitude daily – however, I’d like to make it a weekly routine. I’d like to consciously take time out of my day to think about what makes me happy, what I’m grateful for, and share it with you all. I know those 21 Days helped me to take each day and find what’s beautiful around me – even if I’m feeling down. The simple fact I can read and write should remind me of how lucky I truly am. So for the last week of September I have the following to be grateful: Weddings – seeing the happiness first & love between two people. Makes me believe in the tradition despite all the divorces and people abusing the right to be married. Smiling or saying hello to a stranger. When people say thank you when you’ve helped them.   So, what are …

| I’ll MISS THIS |

Driving to Augusta this morning with the country radio station revving me up for an all day conference I needed to be awake for – it hit me: I only have two weeks left in this country for a long time. I only have two weeks left driving my truck, listening to country music on the radio, and living with my parents. Some things I’ll miss more than others, some will just become fond memories. I’ve realized these are some of the things I’ll miss the most from the USA: My family My friends Snuggling with Lily Driving the yota a.k.a. my toyota tacoma Blasting country music and driving down back roads The way the leaves change & the smells of fall in Maine Not having to pay rent (or the heating bill, the electricity, etc.) Relatively cheap peanut butter – but let’s be honest, I’ll probably still buy it in Spain I’m sure as time goes by once I’m in Spain I’ll realize more things that I miss about this country. But I can’t dwell on …


Twenty-one days ago my friend and I watched a video talking about happiness. The speaker said it’s not about looking forward to happiness, it’s about creating it in the here and now. We can’t attribute happiness with achievement and success, because once we attain those objectives we’ll only set new ones – continuously pushing away our “ideal” happiness. Unfortunately, this is how most people operate. I only hope that everyone I encounter I’m able to help them realize that its how they choose to celebrate each moment that will bring them happiness and it’s not something we have to push away until we achieve something in particular. After watching this video the speaker left us with the challenge of finding happiness by taking the following steps in our day to day life: 1) Exercise 2) Do Random Acts of Kindness 3) 21 Days of Gratitude – Write down 3 things a day that you’re grateful for … 4) Journaling 5) Meditation So – along with my regular exercise, journaling, small amounts of meditation (whether its …