All posts tagged: life

| an English teacher abroad |

It’s an hour here, an hour there, a bus ride across the city, a couple blocks walk. It’s a day of teaching with only four hours of pay. It’s the life of an English teacher trying to make it abroad. I moved here in October not knowing a soul in the city. With the help of my previous flatmate, I made posters to hang around the city — found websites to post teaching ads and went out and bought some books to begin my new adventure. Through trial and error I’ve found myself with seven private students who have stuck with me for almost eight months and after the summer holiday they’re eager to keep up their English lessons — with me! The academy I’ve been with since November just asked me to come back in the fall as well. It’s hard to believe that everything I’ve worked for has finally been paying off! Teaching English wasn’t exactly the path I had foreseen for myself, but then again, I didn’t have much of an idea of …

| to the mediterranean & back |

It had to be done — I had to escape my seaside town for the weekend. With Georgia & Olivia heading east, I decided to take a break from my routine and go with them. Little did I know that I’d be reminding myself of why I originally fell in love with San Sebastian three years ago — The big city smells; bustling, loud, crowds of people; and stuffy buildings had me craving the fresh ocean breeze, chimes of the church next to my house, and the sandy floors that remind me I’m home (and that I maybe need to sweep, too). It’s a weekend I needed away to make me appreciate where I am — because even though I constantly try to remind myself of “being in the moment” and “making the most of where you are”  — I sometimes need a kick in the ass to remember my own words of advice. Despite the hectic crowds, we made our way through the winding streets of Barcelona finding new treasures from hidden coffee / …

| hidden away |

Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. Love is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it’s wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don’t stop for a minute, you might miss it. – Cashback (2006)

| sunsets, excitement |

Sometimes people enter into your life quickly and unexpectedly and then leave just as fast. But even though their time is short, you can still learn something about the world or yourself. You just have to let it happen, or these moments may just pass without you even knowing they were there. Couch Surfing has allowed me to meet some really amazing people from Cambodia to the United States; from Russia to Chile. People with similiar opinions, people with different views and everything in between. I’ve met people who will be in my life forever and those who were just meant to pass by for those few hours or days. But in the end, they’ve all opened my eyes to another part of life; or reminded me of passions I may have set aside. The last person to enter my life has reminded me to not forget the beauty in the most simple moments  — And even though I always try my hardest to enjoy where I am, to embrace evey new experience in my life, …

| just call the germans & tell them a lie |

The title of this post may lead you to believe I want to write about god knows what — however, this post is about music. And no, I have nothing against Germans. Being surrounded by music is something that I’ll always look for in my life. I can’t imagine my life without it. Even though I play around with the guitar a little bit, it’ll never be like hearing truly talented musicians play. I was lucky to have grown up in a home that always had music on the radio, a CD playing, or melodies pouring from my brothers bedroom from one of the few instruments he plays. Then when I went to college I surrounded myself with talented friends who could play the guitar, sing, and simply had a love of performing. And now again, my life here in San Sebastian, I have found myself in the midst of artists from around Europe. I couldn’t imagine spending my Sunday evening any other way – glasses of wine, freshly baked cookies, and good friends sitting around and making …

| when the words won’t flow |

Even though I consider myself to be a writer I hardly have anything to show for it these past couple months. I should force myself to write a little every day, to push my limits, but sometimes the words just don’t flow. I think about writing almost every day, about what I could write about, about how I need to keep searching for more publications where I can submit my ideas. It didn’t occur to me until last night while talking about writing and the dry spells writers go through that I needed to make a change. Some friends were discussing how writing is a therapy, a cure to help you get through hard times in your life, but it’s also a therapy during the good times as well. Whether or not the word come easily, you still have thoughts and experiences to share. And in this moment I need to force my words little by little – but I need to get them out, I need to or else these memories and special moments …

“A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.”

“A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.” -John A. Shedd, Salt from My Attic, 1928. This will be my inspiration for my new adventures in Donostia-San Sebastian. I have to keep reminding myself that without big risks, there will never be big rewards. I’ve taken on something that most people might decide not to do. I’ve jumped into a new life with no idea of what’s going to happen in the future. But I guess that’s half the fun of it.

| through the waves, i have learned |

The sun sets on my time in Maine while the waves start to grow for the seasoned surfers of the North East Coastal towns. It’s been an amazing summer in Maine but as the season is changing, so is my craving for new adventure – which is why I’m moving back to Spain, to the coastal city of San Sebastian. I called the small coastal village of Kennebunk my home for the past 19 years. But after leaving the country to pursue my four-year-degree in Halifax, NS I found myself living abroad in Madrid, Spain; it was the first time I’d been living in a large city (3.2 million to be exact) – and the closest beach was a four-hour car drive away. It wasn’t until then that I’d realized my need for the coast; the smell of salt air, the view of the vast ocean fading off into the horizon, the steady cry of the seagulls patrolling their countries coast lines, and the bright reds, yellows, and oranges exploding over the deep blue waters …